Spiders are fascinating creatures, but they can become problematic when invading homes. While
pest control companies specialize in removing spiders using chemical sprays, not everyone is comfortable with the idea of using harmful chemicals. Fortunately, there are safe and natural alternatives to toxic sprays. In this article, we'll discuss effective and eco-friendly ways to control spiders without chemicals.
For effective spider control, consider using natural essential oils. Scents like peppermint, lavender, and tea tree oil have proven to repel spiders effectively. There are different ways to utilize these oils, such as creating a spider-repellent spray. To make the spray, simply combine a cup of water with 20-30 drops of your preferred essential oil, then apply it to areas in your home where spiders are likely to appear. This simple solution can help keep your home spider-free.
Suction devices, like the BugZooka, are great for those who don't want physical contact with spiders but still want to remove them from their home. These devices suck spiders up into a tube and allow you to release them outside without harming them. It’s an environmentally friendly and humane method.
Use vinegar as a powerful spider repellent. Create a mixture by combining equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle. Spray areas where spiders tend to gather in your home. They loathe the vinegar smell and will steer clear.
Cedarwood is a natural spider repellent. Cedar blocks or chips can be placed in areas of your home like cupboards, closets, or basements to keep spiders away. You can also apply cedarwood oil onto cotton balls and place them around the house to repel spiders. It’s a great alternative to mothballs, which contain harmful chemicals.
Diatomaceous earth, made from crushed fossilized shells, is a powdery substance that effectively kills spiders and other pests without the use of chemicals. Sprinkle it around your home, in areas where bugs are likely to appear, like under furniture and appliances. The silica in diatomaceous earth dehydrates the spider’s exoskeleton, causing its death.
Natural predators like lizards, cats, and birds are highly effective in keeping spider populations in check. If you happen to have a feline or aviary companion, they will likely instinctively hunt and consume any spiders that venture into your home. Another way to encourage birds to visit and inhabit your surroundings is by offering them nourishment and safe havens in your yard.
Many people seek ways to safeguard their homes from spiders without resorting to harmful chemicals. Embracing natural methods not only benefits the environment, but also promotes human well-being and preserves the safety of animals and insects. The discussed spider control methods are readily available and effective at keeping spiders away without harming your family or pets. Choose essential oils or natural repellents like cedarwood for a spider-free home without harsh chemicals.
If you're overwhelmed by spiders, ourspider infestation control experts and technicians atPelican Pest Control can help. We can safely and effectively remove spiders from your home. Contact us today to discover how we can protect your home from pests.